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Welcome to my story.

This blog is for any normal average Joe person that is potentially about to go to prison. Maybe you are under police investigation? Maybe you have a court date? Maybe you are due for sentencing? Either way it’s best to be prepared for what may lay ahead, I wish I would have been given this advice.

Back in 2019 I was given a 30 month sentence for GBH and served only 10.5 months due to my good behaviour and conduct whilst inside. If you wish to keep your head down, not get into any trouble and get out as early as possible then this is the blog for you! This is not for anyone that intends to carry on going through the revolving door that is the UK Prison system.

I’m not the most literate/academic person that has ever graced this earth so don’t expect grammatical excellence from my posts. My aim is to help anyone that I can by telling my story, offering help & advice for free and if I can help just one person then that will make me happy. My experience is based on nearly 11 months spent in HMP Winchester, one of the worst prisons in the UK.

Latest from the Blog

Post 5. The journey to paradise (not)

I spent my time in the court cells laid on a rock hard wooden bench, using a stack of newspapers as a pillow, looking up at the bright well lit ceiling and asking myself ‘how the fuck did I end up here?’. I remember laughing my head off because it all seemed surreal. It’s one…

Post 4-Crown Court/Sentencing day

So here we are, the day that my life changed forever! Sentencing day is the day where one person decides your whole fate, how crazy is that to think? One man now decides the direction that your life is about to go in and there’s nothing you can really do about it. It’s okay to…

Post 3 – pre-sentence report (the interview of your life)

Well here we are people, post number 3, I genuinely never thought my blog would get this much attention so soon. Please do keep sharing as I want these posts to reach someone that is in the position that I was when I needed this advice. Let’s start with explaining (in my own words) exactly…

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